Q1 - High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester) Additional Provision
£0.00 -
Q2 - Amendments relating to the removal of the West Coast Main Line connection
Q5 - Estimate of Expense
Q3 - Plans and Sections
Q6 - Housing Statement
Q7 - Non-technical summary
This document is a summary in non-technical language of the changes reported in the SES1 and amendments reported in the AP1 ES. It presents a summary of any likely residual significant effects on the environment, which are new or different to those reported in the main ES submitted to Parliament in January 2022 in support of the hybrid Bill for High Speed Rail (Crewe – Manchester).£3.50
Q8 - Volume 1: Introduction and methodology
Volume 1 introduces the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions included within SES1, and amendments which have resulted in the need to amend the Bill, which are reported within the AP1 ES. It also explains the environmental impact assessment process that has been applied.£3.00 -
Q9 - Glossary, abbreviations and references
The glossary of terms, list of abbreviations and references for all volumes of SES1 and AP1 ES. This document is useful to refer to as it lists the terms, abbreviations and references that are used throughout the documents and that are different to those used in the main ES.£2.50
Q11 - Volume 2 MA01: Hough to Walley's Green
This report describes the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions included within the SES1 (Part 1) and AP1 ES (Part 2). It includes any likely significant environmental effects arising from these changes and amendments in the Hough to Walley’s Green area that are new or different to that reported in the main ES.£4.00 -
Q15 - Volume 2 Map Book MA01: Hough to Walley's Green
Contains a series of maps showing the SES1 changes and AP1 ES amendments in MA01.£7.00 -
Q12 - Volume 2 MA02: Wimboldsley to Lostock Gralam
This report describes the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions included within the SES1 (Part 1) and AP1 ES (Part 2). It includes any likely significant environmental effects arising from these changes and amendments in the Wimboldsley to Lostock Gralam area that are new or different to that reported in the main ES.£4.00 -
Q16 - Volume 2 Map Book MA02: Wimboldsley to Lostock Gralam
Contains a series of maps showing the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments in MA02.£7.00 -
Q13 - Volume 2 MA03: Pickmere to Agden and Hulseheath
This report describes the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions included within the SES1 (Part 1) and AP1 ES (Part 2). It includes any likely significant environmental effects arising from these changes and amendments in the Pickmere to Agden and Hulseheath area that are new or different to that reported in the main ES.£4.00 -
Q17 - Volume 2 Map Book MA03: Pickmere to Agden and Hulseheath
Contains a series of maps showing the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments in MA03.£7.00 -
Q14 - Volume 2 MA04: Broomedge to Glazebrook and MA05: Risley to Bamfurlong
This report describes the supplementary environmental information and changes to the design and construction assumptions included within the SES1 (Part 1) and AP1 ES (Part 2). It includes any likely significant environmental effects arising from these changes and amendments in the Broomedge to Glazebrook and Risley to Bamfurlong areas that are new or different to that reported in the main ES. There is not a map book for these community areas.£4.00
Q18 - Volume 3: Route-wide effects
This report describes the likely significant environmental effects that are likely to occur at a geographical scale greater than the community areas described in Volume 2 for SES1 and AP1 ES.£3.50
Q19 - MA01-MA05 Agriculture, forestry and soils assessment (AG-001-00000)
This report details the changes to the assessment for agriculture, forestry and soils since the main ES comprising information on the assessment of effects on agricultural land and soils and the assessment of effects on farm holdings.£8.00 -
Q20 - Agriculture, forestry and soils Map Book (AG-01, AG-04)
Contains maps illustrating the agricultural holdings and agricultural land quality to support the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments£14.50
Q21 - MA01 Air quality report (AQ-001-0MA01)
This report details the changes to the assessment for air quality in MA01 since the main ES.£4.00 -
Q22 - MA02 Air quality report (AQ-001-0MA02)
This report details the changes to the assessment for air quality in MA02 since the main ES.£5.00 -
Q23 - MA03 Air quality report (AQ-001-0MA03)
This report details the changes to the assessment for air quality in MA03 since the main ES.£7.50 -
Q24 - MA04 Air quality eport (AQ-001-0MA04)
This report details the changes to the assessment for air quality in MA04 since the main ES.£2.00 -
Q25 - MA05 Air quality report (AQ-001-0MA05)
This report details the changes to the assessment for air quality in MA05 since the main ES.£2.00 -
Q26 - Air quality Map Book (AQ-01)
Contains maps showing air quality related features, construction activities and receptors used in the air quality assessments of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments£12.00
Q32 - Summary greenhouse gas calculation inputs and outputs (CL-003-00000)
This report details the changes to the assessment for greenhouse gas (GHG) since the main ES.£1.50
Q33 - Community Map Book (CM-01)
Contains maps identifying community receptors along the route which have the potential to be significantly affected by the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£14.50
Q34 - Air quality – Technical note – Updated guidance on the assessment methodology for Phase 2b SES1 and AP1 ES (CT-001-00003)
This report provides further information on the assessment of air quality during construction and operation of HS2 Phase 2b Crewe – Manchester.£4.50 -
Q35 - Traffic and transport – Technical note – Guidance on significance criteria for traffic and transport (CT-001-00004)
This report provides further guidance to that contained in the HS2 Phase 2b Environmental Impact Assessment Scope and Methodology Report on how traffic and transport effects will be determined.£6.50 -
Q36 - Alternatives report (CT-003-00000)
This report outlines the alternatives to the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments£4.50 -
Q37 - Planning data (CT-004-00000)
This report provides an update to the planning policies, committed development and proposed development data.£7.00 -
Q38 - Planning Data / Committed Developments Map Book (CT-13)
Contains maps showing updated planning data on committed development and proposed development since the main ES.£14.50 -
Q39 - Wider effects report (CT-006-00000)
This report details the changes to the likely significant effects reported in SES1 and AP1 ES that may result if the scheme as built deviates from the centre line of the works within the limits of deviation, as permitted under parliamentary powers.£2.00 -
Q40 - Borrow pit report (CT-008-00000)
This report details the changes to the assessment for borrow pits since the main ES.£6.00 -
Q41 - Corrections to Volume 5 of the January 2022 Environmental Statement (CT-009-00000)
This report details the corrections to the Environmental Statement as published in January 2022.£6.00
Q42 - MA01-MA03 Ecological baseline data - designated sites (EC-001-00000)
This report provides details of the changes to nature conservation site designations since the main ES.£2.00 -
Q48 - MA01-MA03 Ecological register of local level effects (EC-015-00000)
This report details new or different local/parish level adverse effects since the main ES.£1.50 -
Q49 - Document to inform a Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Midland Meres and Mosses Phase 2 Ramsar site (Oak Mere) and Oak Mere Special Area of Conservation (EC-016-00001)
This report provides an update to inform compliance with obligations under Habitats Regulations since the main ES.£9.50 -
Q50 - Document to inform a Habitats Regulations Assessment for Rostherne Mere Ramsar site and Midland Meres and Mosses Phase 1 Ramsar site (EC-016-00003)
This report provides an update to the Midlands Meres and Mosses Phase 1 Ramsar site to inform compliance with obligations under Habitats Regulations since the main ES.£20.00 -
Q51 - Document to inform a Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Midland Meres and Mosses Phase 2 Ramsar site (Oakhanger Moss) (EC-016-00006)
This report provides an update to inform compliance with obligations under Habitats Regulations since the main ES.£13.00 -
Q52 - Document to inform a Habitats Regulations Assessment for the Midland Meres and Mosses Phase 1 Ramsar site and the West Midland Mosses Special Area of Conservation (Wybunbury Moss) (EC-016-00009)
This report provides an update to inform compliance with obligations under Habitats Regulations since the main ES.£7.50 -
Q43 - Ecology and biodiversity Map Book – designated sites (EC-01)
Contains maps illustrating statutory and non-statutory designated sites for nature conservation, locations of Nature Reserves of the RSPB and Wildlife Trusts and ancient woodlands to support the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£15.00
Q54 - Affected receptors within 50m of railway and associated risks and mitigation (EM-001-00000)
This report provides details of changes to the EMI assessment as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£22.50
Q55 - MA01-MA03 Summary gazetteer, impact assessment table and historic landscape character areas (HE-002-00000)
This report provides an update to the historic environment assessment as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£4.00
Q56 - MA01-MA03 Land quality report (LQ-001-00000)
This report provides details of the changes to the land quality assessment as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£3.00 -
Q57 - Land quality Map Book (LQ-01)
Contains maps showing potential sources of existing contamination, historical and operational landfill sites, current and potential future mining/mineral exploitation and geoconservation sites.£12.00
Q59 - MA01 Landscape and visual impact assessment and photomontages (LV-001-0MA01)
This report provides details of the changes to the landscape and visual assessment for MA01 as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£18.00 -
Q60 - MA02 Landscape and visual impact assessment and photomontages (LV-001-0MA02)
This report provides details of the changes to the landscape and visual assessment for MA02 as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£17.50 -
Q61 - MA03 Landscape and visual impact assessment and photomontages (LV-001-0MA03)
This report provides details of the changes to the landscape and visual assessment for MA03 as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£10.00 -
Q62 - Landscape and visual Map Book (LV-00, LV-02, LV-07, LV-08, LV-17)
Contains maps showing landscape context, landscape character areas, zones of theoretical visibility and viewpoint locations associated with the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£19.00
Q63 - Major accidents and disasters risk screening (MA-001-00000)
This report provides details of the changes to the major accidents and disasters assessment as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£2.00
Q64 - Socio-economics Map Book (SE-01)
Contains maps identifying updated effects on socio-economic resources as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments and those unchanged or removed from the scheme deposited in the main ES.£12.00
Q65 - MA01-MA03 Baseline and construction sound, noise and vibration report (SV-002-00000)
This report provides details of changes to the baseline and construction sound, noise and vibration assessment as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£13.00 -
Q66 - MA01-MA03 Operational sound, noise and vibration report (SV-003-00000)
This report provides details of changes to the operational sound, noise and vibration assessment as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£4.50 -
Q67 - Sound, noise and vibration Map Book (SV-02, SV-03, SV-08, SV-09)
Contains maps that support and report the assessment of significant noise and vibration effects as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£25.00
Q68 - Transport Assessment Part 1 Addendum (TR-001-00000)
This report provides an update to the Transport Assessment introduction sections as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£3.00 -
Q69 - MA01 Transport Assessment Part 2 Addendum (TR-002-00001)
This report provides an update of the overview of the existing and forecast future baseline conditions in MA01, the transport infrastructure and operations that could potentially be affected by the changes relevant to traffic and transport as a result of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£17.00 -
Q70 - MA02 Transport Assessment Part 2 Addendum (TR-002-00002)
This report provides an update of the overview of the existing and forecast future baseline conditions in MA02, the transport infrastructure and operations that could potentially be affected by the changes relevant to traffic and transport as a result of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£23.50 -
Q71 - MA03 Transport Assessment Part 2 Addendum (TR-002-00003)
This report provides an update of the overview of the existing and forecast future baseline conditions in MA03, the transport infrastructure and operations that could potentially be affected by the changes relevant to traffic and transport as a result of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£12.50 -
Q72 - MA04 Transport Assessment Part 2 Addendum (TR-002-00004)
This report provides an update of the overview of the existing and forecast future baseline conditions in MA04, the transport infrastructure and operations that could potentially be affected by the changes relevant to traffic and transport as a result of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£1.50 -
Q73 - MA05 Transport Assessment Part 2 Addendum (TR-002-00005)
This report provides an update of the overview of the existing and forecast future baseline conditions in MA05, the transport infrastructure and operations that could potentially be affected by the changes relevant to traffic and transport as a result of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£1.50 -
Q74 - MA01 Transport Assessment Part 3 Addendum (TR-003-00001)
This report provides an update of the assessment of transport impacts in the MA01 area, including construction traffic, of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£23.00 -
Q75 - MA02 Transport Assessment Part 3 Addendum (TR-003-00002)
This report provides an update of the assessment of transport impacts in the MA02 area, including construction traffic, of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£39.50 -
Q76 - MA03 Transport Assessment Part 3 Addendum (TR-003-00003)
This report provides an update of the assessment of transport impacts in the MA03 area, including construction traffic, of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£28.00 -
Q77 - MA04 Transport Assessment Part 3 Addendum (TR-003-00004)
This report provides an update of the assessment of transport impacts in the MA04 area, including construction traffic, of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£5.00 -
Q78 - MA05 Transport Assessment Part 3 Addendum (TR-003-00005)
This report provides an update of the assessment of transport impacts in the MA05 area, including construction traffic, of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£7.00 -
Q79 - Transport Assessment Part 4 Addendum (TR-005-00000)
This report provides an overview of the route-wide traffic and transport impacts for the AP1 revised scheme (that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments) in construction.£29.00 -
Q81 - Traffic and transport Map Book (TR-03, TR-04, TR-08)
Contains maps showing updates to significant residual transport effects from HS2 Phase 2b Crewe – Manchester and construction routes to the strategic network as a result of the AP1 revised scheme that includes the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£38.00
Q82 - Route-wide waste and material resources assessment (WM-001-00000)
This report provides details of the changes to the waste and material resources assessment as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£19.00
Q84 - Water Framework Directive compliance assessment addendum (WR-001-00000)
This report provides an update to the Water Framework Directive compliance assessment as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£0.00 -
Q85 - MA02 Water resources assessment (WR-003-0MA02)
This report provides details of changes to the water resources assessment in MA02 as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£4.00 -
Q86 - MA03 Water resources assessment (WR-003-0MA03)
This report provides details of changes to the water resources assessment in MA03 as a result of the SES1 changes and AP1 amendments.£5.00 -
Q88 - Water resources and flood risk Map Book (WR-02)
Contains maps showing updates to groundwater baseline information for the SES1 changes and AP1 ES amendments£9.00
Q27 - MA01 Additional data used in the air quality assessment (BID AQ-002-0MA01 SES1 and AP1 ES)
£3.50 -
Q28 - MA02 Additional data used in the air quality assessment (BID AQ-002-0MA02 SES1 and AP1 ES)
£6.00 -
Q29 - MA03 Additional data used in the air quality assessment (BID AQ-002-0MA03 SES1 and AP1 ES)
£4.50 -
Q30 - MA04 Additional data used in the air quality assessment (BID AQ-002-0MA04 SES1 and AP1 ES)
£1.50 -
Q31 - MA05 Additional data used in the air quality assessment (BID AQ-002-0MA05 SES1 and AP1 ES)
Q44 - MA01-MA03 Ecological baseline data – National Vegetation Classification and ancient woodland (BID EC-004-00000 SES1 and AP1 ES)
£4.00 -
Q45 - MA01-MA03 Ecological baseline data – amphibians (BID EC-007-00000 SES1 and AP1 ES)
£7.00 -
Q46 - MA01-MA03 Ecological baseline data – bats (BID EC-011-00000 SES1 and AP1 ES)
£10.00 -
Q47 - MA01-MA03 Ecological baseline data – other (BID EC-017-00000 SES1 and AP1 ES)
£13.50 -
Q53 - Ecology Map Book (EC-02, EC-04, EC-05, EC-06, EC-08, EC-10, EC-11, EC-12)
Q89 - House of Commons Leaflet - Petitioning Guidance
A guide to petitioning against the Additional Provision if you are specially and directly affected.£1.00 -
Q90 - Guide to the SES1 and AP1
A guide to the structure and content of the Supplementary Environmental Statement 1, Additional Provision 1 and Additional Provision 1 Environmental Statement for HS2 Phase 2b Crewe – Manchester.£1.00